This is an archived website. Information is not updated on this site and it should only be used for accessing old data as needed. Please visit for the current website.
The Mobile Units provide the opportunity for drivers to renew their license, obtain a duplicate license, change their name or address on their license, add a boat endorsement, add a veteran designation, register to vote and/or make organ donation selections. Initial licenses are currently not available in the Mobile Units.
The Spotted Lanternfly poses a serious danger to New Jersey's ecosystem. Please read the attached materials on what you can do to help prevent its spread. If you have any questions, you can reach out to the NJ Department of Agriculture at 1-833-223-2840 or email [email protected].
Lambertville provides many ways to make a difference serving your neighbors and community as a volunteer. Whatever your time limitations and schedule, you should be able to find a rewarding way to better your community that works for you. If you want to participate in City Government, review the list of Boards and Commission on this website.