Environmental Commission
The Environmental Commission, for example, was the driving force behind the City Third Can Recycling Program, targeted at the 15% of the waste stream that is comprised of food waste and organic material. This program now includes many city restaurants and Lambertville Public School, along with a growing number of residents. Taken together with the City’s single-stream recycling program, more than 1,000 tons of recyclable materials are removed from the waste stream each year.
Additionally, the Environmental Commission was essential to the adoption of a dedicated Open Space Fund that has enabled the City to purchase and protect its natural beauty and its environmentally-sensitive areas as well as maintain and upgrade its parks and hiking trails.
2019 Lambertville Environmental Commission Report
2018 Lambertville Environmental Commission Report
Plastic Ban
In an effort to continuously improve our sustainability, Lambertville recently passed a single use plastics ban that will take effect January 1, 2020. The Lambertville Environmental Commission (LEC) is looking to partner with the Chamber of Commerce to facilitate a smooth transition over the next 12 months.
Why Lambertville, why now?
Progressive shore and destination towns have been active in passing similar ordinances. Legislation has also been proposed at the NJ State level. Lambertville wants to be out in front of these to ensure we continue to be recognized as a sustainable place to live and an environmentally friendly destination town. The first of the three Rs is to reduce (then reuse, recycle). These items are not meant to be reused and are not able to be recycled. Many of these materials are being found in our waterways (and not recycled) and so we need to REDUCE our usage of these items.
What can I do?
As a business, ask customers if they need a bag prior to offering one. Offer drinks without plastic straws, instead provide them upon request. Begin to think about which items you might have to switch to a more sustainable option.
As a patron, bring your own reusable bag and tell cashiers you don’t need a bag. If taking away leftovers, ask if it be wrapped in aluminum foil rather than plastic containers. When ordering drinks, say #strawssuck and go sans straw. Ask your favorite restaurants when they are going #RiverFriendly and utilizing more sustainable packaging for take-out or leftovers.
What next?
The Lambertville Environmental Commission (LEC) will be looking to partner with the Chamber of Commerce to collect best practices already being utilized by area businesses so these can be recognized and might be shared with other businesses who could learn from these. The LEC is also looking to develop materials that can be used to educate patrons about these changes at the cash register or bar.
If your business is impacted and you would like support, please contact [email protected]
Meeting Schedule
Meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month beginning at 7:30 PM at Lambertville City Hall 18 York St, Lambertville, NJ 08530. For more information contact Cynthia Jahn and 908-892- 4503
Storm Water
In 2005, Lambertville was the first municipality in the County to prepare and adopt a Municipal Stormwater Management Plan (MSWMP). The City also adopted an enforcement ordinance and mitigation plan. The goals of the MSWMP include reducing flood damage, minimizing increases in stormwater runoff from new development, reducing soil erosion, assuring the adequacy of culverts and bridges, maintaining groundwater recharge, preventing an increase in non-point source pollution, maintaining the integrity of stream channels, minimizing pollutants in stormwater runoff, and protecting public safety through proper design and operation of stormwater basins.
To view the plan click here: Stormwater Management Plan(19.49 MB)
PROTECTING OUR WATER SUPPLIES - Easy Things You Can Do Every Day to Protect Our Drinking Water
A Guide to Healthy Habits for Cleaner Water
Pollution on streets, parking lots and lawns is washed by rain into storm drains, then directly to our drinking water supplies and the rivers, lakes and the ocean our children play in. Fertilizer, oil, pesticides, detergents, pet waste, and grass clippings: You name it and it ends up in our water.
Stormwater pollution is one of New Jersey’s greatest threats to clean and plentiful water, and that’s why we’re all doing something about it.
By sharing the responsibility and making small, easy changes to our daily lives, we can keep common pollutants out of Stormwater. It all adds up to cleaner water, and it saves the high cost of cleaning up once it’s contaminated.
Keep pollutants out of storm drains
Do not dump anything onto the streets, storm drains into the canal. This water is not treated prior to release into the Delaware River. The imprinted fish and labels on the storm drains remind us all that our storm drains lead directly to our river and negatively affect our drinking water.
Inspect your septic system
Annually inspect and pump your septic tank out every 3-5 years depending on use. An improperly working septic system can contaminate your water supply, your neighborhood ground water supply and create public health problems. Avoid adding unnecessary grease, household hazardous waste products and solids to the septic system.
Underground Oil Tanks
Many residents of New Jersey use underground storage tanks to store heating oil. Although residential underground storage tanks containing heating oil are unregulated by federal and state laws, these tanks are a potential source of ground and surface water pollution. Home heating oil contains several substances that are known carcinogens. *NJDEP
Replace in ground tanks with an above ground tank. This could prevent a large environmental problem, costly clean ups and delay in future real estate transaction.
Limit your use of fertilizers and pesticides
Avoid over use of fertilizers or applying fertilizers before a heavy storm. Fertilizers run into the Stormwater; drain into our streams, rivers, water supplies. Fertilizers contain nitrates and phosphates that, in abundance, cause blooms of algae and reduced oxygen levels that can lead to fish kills. Be aware of the accumulation of chemicals resulting from multiple residents treating lawns/landscaping.
Use alternative pesticides whenever possible. Heavy rains carry pesticides to our water supplies. Many household products made to exterminate pests are also toxic to humans, animals, aquatic organisms and plants. If you do use a pesticide, follow the directions carefully.
Wash your car only when necessary
Consider using a commercial car wash that recycles its wash water. Many car detergents contain phosphate. If you wash your car at home, use a non-phosphate detergent.
Clean up after your pet
Use newspaper, bags or pooper-scoopers to pick up wastes. Dispose of the wrapped pet waste in the trash or unwrapped in a toilet.
Never discard pet waste in a storm drain.