Among other shared services and cooperatives to which Lambertville participates are purchasing fuel for city vehicles through the Hunterdon County ESC Cooperative and purchasing parking meters through the New Jersey Parking Authority. Generally speaking, shared service agreements and cooperative purchasing arrangements produce savings because economies of scale are realized.
Recognizing shared services as an effective way of controlling costs and keeping taxes stable, Lambertville is one of the leaders, among New Jersey municipalities, in pursuing and realizing shared service agreements with neighboring communities and other government entities. For example, the City enlisted neighboring communities such as West Amwell, the South Hunterdon Regional School District, and the Lambertville Municipal Utilities Authority (LMUA) in the successful South Hunterdon Regional Energy Cooperative (SHREC) that continues to produce savings in energy costs and curb greenhouse gases, through implementing energy efficiencies and using solar power. Similarly, Lambertville has saved money on the costs of its Construction Office through a shared services agreement with Frenchtown and Stockton. The City has also purchased vehicles such as police patrol vehicles utilizing state negotiated pricing, ensuring that the City gets the best price possible.
Among other shared services and cooperatives to which Lambertville participates are purchasing fuel for City vehicles through the Hunterdon County ESC Cooperative and purchasing parking meters through the New Jersey Parking Authority. Generally speaking, shared service agreements and cooperative purchasing arrangements produce savings because economies of scale are realized.

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