Operational around-the-clock, seven days a week, the Department is primarily a uniformed patrol based operation. It does, however, provide a criminal investigative function through the assignment of a detective as well as conduct specialized patrols.
Our police officers and civilian staff are dedicated. Not only do our officers receive ongoing training in procedures, firearms and other essential areas of law enforcement, they also receive advanced training on topics, such as traffic accidents, criminal investigations, terrorism, internal affairs, narcotics
To ensure that Lambertville is a safe place to walk, bike and drive, the police department vigilantly enforces the state’s driving laws and provides constant public education on safe driving habits, participating in a number of grant-funded programs safety programs. Two major ones are highlighted below:
Click it or Ticket
Studies show that seat belts save lives, yet too many people still don’t buckle up. More than 1,600 unbuckled motor vehicle occupants died on New Jersey’s roadways in the past 10 years.
We enforce the seat belt laws with zero tolerance in Lambertville and provide ongoing education about the importance of wearing a seat belt whether you are the driver or a passenger. For more information on this initiative, visit Click it or Ticket.
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over
The City Police Department vigilantly enforces the drunk driving laws. Driving under the influence remains the number one cause of traffic fatalities and there is no tolerance of it in Lambertville. People who drive drunk or under the influence of a recreational drug within the City limits will be pulled over and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. For more information, visit Drive Sober.
Child Car Seat Installation
For assistance with the proper installation of child car seat contact the police department at 609-397-3132 to set up an appointment. For more information, click here.