In an effort to continuously improve our sustainability, Lambertville recently passed a single use plastics ban that will take effect January 1, 2020. The Lambertville Environmental Commission (LEC) is looking to partner with the Chamber of Commerce to facilitate a smooth transition over the next 12 months.
Why Lambertville, why now?
Progressive shore and destination towns have been active in passing similar ordinances. Legislation has also been proposed at the NJ State level. Lambertville wants to be out in front of these to ensure we continue to be recognized as a sustainable place to live and an environmentally friendly destination town. The first of the three Rs is to reduce (then reuse, recycle). These items are not meant to be reused and are not able to be recycled. Many of these materials are being found in our waterways (and not recycled) and so we need to REDUCE our usage of these items.
What can I do?
As a business, ask customers if they need a bag prior to offering one. Offer drinks without plastic straws, instead provide them upon request. Begin to think about which items you might have to switch to a more sustainable option.
As a patron, bring your own reusable bag and tell cashiers you don’t need a bag. If taking away leftovers, ask if it be wrapped in aluminum foil rather than plastic containers. When ordering drinks, say #strawssuck and go sans straw. Ask your favorite restaurants when they are going #RiverFriendly and utilizing more sustainable packaging for take-out or leftovers.
What next?
The Lambertville Environmental Commission (LEC) will be looking to partner with the Chamber of Commerce to collect best practices already being utilized by area businesses so these can be recognized and might be shared with other businesses who could learn from these. The LEC is also looking to develop materials that can be used to educate patrons about these changes at the cash register or bar.
If your business is impacted and you would like support, please contact [email protected]