Justice Center Parking:
Currently, space numbers 18 and 22 are available for lease at the Justice Center. The fee is $55 per month. Call Shelley at 609-397-0110 for additional information.
Shad Festival:
The Annual Shad Festival sponsored by the Delaware River Towns Chamber of Commerce will be held on Saturday and Sunday, April 28 and 29.
Sparkle Week:
SPARKLE WEEK is back! Scheduled pick-up dates are:
- Residents whose garbage pick-up is Thursday or Friday may put items out to the curb on Wednesday, May 9, for pick up on May 10 or 11.
- Residents whose garbage pick-up day is Tuesday or Wednesday may put items out to the curb on Monday, May 14, for pick up on May 15 or 16.
Memorial Day Parade:
The Annual Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, May 28 with step off at 9 am at the corner of North Union and Cherry Street. The parade will follow the normal parade route. All are invited to participate.
June Primary:
The June Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, June 5. The polls will be open from 6 am to 8 pm. Districts 1 and 2 will vote at the Phillip L. Pittore Justice Center located at 25 South Union Street. Districts 3 and 4 will vote at the Union Fire House located at 230 North Main Street.