05-05-2020 City Council Meeting


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05 05 2020 Agenda, City Council with Resolutions and Ordinances ( docx )
05 05 2020 Calculation of Proposed 2020 Estimated Tax Rate ( pdf )
05 05 2020 Lambertville Estimated Taxes 2020 ( rtf )
05 05 2020 MEMO Est Tax bills Aug 2020 ( pdf )
05-05-2020 Agenda, City Council with Resolutions and Ordinances.pdf ( pdf )
05-05-2020 Calculation of Proposed 2020 Estimated Tax Rate.pdf ( pdf )
05-05-2020 Lambertville Estimated Taxes - 2020.pdf ( pdf )
05-05-2020 Levy Cap Workbook, 2020 Budget.pdf ( pdf )
05-05-2020 MEMO Est Tax bills Aug. 2020.pdf ( pdf )
2019 Lamberville Budget Self Exam Resolution ( doc )
2020 05 01 Budget Prep For Introduction ( pdf )
2020 Budget Introduction Presentation Video Link ( pdf )
2020 Budget Presentations Introduction & Adoption (1) ( pdf )
Lambertville cy2020 cola ord ( doc )
Planning and Forecasting Tax Impact Sheet [Shared] [Ext] ( xlsx )