One and Two Family Residential only
- Obtain approvals from any required agency that has jurisdiction over your property. For example: your Homeowner's Association or the Historical Preservation Commission.
- Obtain approval from the City Officer.
- Obtain a Construction Permit - submit all the manufacturers' installation
- Electric, Plumbing & Fire Subcode forms
- A permit application jacket with the proper signatures on the inside cover.
- A gas riser diagram showing the entire gas piping system, including all existing appliances with BTU ratings, pipes sizes and lengths.
- A Load Calculation will be required for all automatic systems to show the generator is appropriately sized for your home.
- Some installations will require a Building Subcode as well depending on the location of the generator and the type.
- As a general rule no approvals from your Homeowner's Association or the City Zoning Officer is required.
- A Construction Permit is required for any modification to the electric system or wiring in your home, this will include temporary wiring through an electric outlet.
- It is required that some sort of permanent transfer switch be installed to facilitate the temporary connection of a generator. This will allow you to control which circuits in your home are fed with generator power and will prevent the possibility of explosion or fire when the main electricity comes back on line. An electric permit is required for this installation.
- The generator needs to be located outside in a well ventilated area.
- Please check with the City Construction Office for further information.
Our goals are to ensure safety for our residents and to provide high-quality customer service so that people seeking to improve their properties or expand their businesses can proceed expeditiously, while meeting all legal obligations.
Generally speaking, permits are needed for all construction improvements, except for ordinary maintenance . We highly recommend that you contact us before beginning any project, so we can walk you through, what permits and other approvals will be required. We have also created this detailed list with a walkthrough of what permits you may need to get and links to them, to help anyone get started.
The office is open weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Our inspectors are available at various hours Monday through Thursday. Please call (609) 397-0803 with any questions you may have about permits.