After convening a working group among City stakeholders, including the Environmental Commission and Lambertville Goes Wild, the City provided to the NJWSA feedback about the replanting plan they provided to us in the fall.
The feedback we provided was primarily in regards to increasing the biodiversity of the plantings, and ensuring that native species are incorporated into the plan. The plantings recommended were for the purpose of helping "crowd out" invasives and create a stronger root system along the Canal banks, but also to add to the aesthetic and ecological beauty of the area. 

The NJWSA performed significant due diligence in exploring the pros/cons and costs associated with the City's feedback. Ultimately, most of the feedback provided was incorporated into the new plan which is slated to be approved in January by the NJWSA and DRCC. 

The City appreciates the positive partnership with the NJWSA, and encourages residents to look out for some educational materials which may be installed in 2020 to help inform the community and visitors to the natural (herbicide-free) way that the invasive species in the area are being managed, and calling attention to some of the native plantings.