This past year, the Lambertville MUA, Authority completed the rehabilitation of our main pumping station located on Swan Street. The pumps, controls, generator & HVAC systems were all upgraded using our reserve fund costing over $600,000. The station is a vital part of our collection system as it handles flows from Lambertville and Stockton before pumping them over to the treatment plant.

In 2019, the Authority has begun a major Capital Improvement project to be funded through the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank. Major improvements include: collection system rehabilitation, roof replacement at the treatment plant, purchase of clarifier mechanisms, rehabilitation of the disinfection facilities, repaving the plant and access road and repair of drain lines in our control building and belt filter press building.

The Authority has also applied for an Asset Management Grant through the NJDEP/ NJIB Grant Program. The NJIB offers funding for small system asset management that has a 100% principal forgiveness and covers up to $100,000. The Asset Management Plan would include a comprehensive evaluation of all of the Authority’s assets. The Asset Management Plan will enable the Authority to project when an asset will need to be replaced and improve long term budgeting.

As we enter 2019, the Authority and its Board members continue to work to provide the best wastewater treatment to our customers at an affordable cost by looking at ways to enhance our efficiency while maintaining a better quality of life. Thomas F. Horn, P.E., Executive Director